koodos: Collectibles Research Project
koodos: Collectibles Research Project

koodos: Collectibles Research Project

🔮 Summary

koodos is a music journal app where users link to any media on the internet (songs, articles, videos) and create a digital card and journal their thoughts.

This project originated when some of our power users began printing there digital koodos cards and making them into physical cards. I was tasked with leading the development of a feature where our users could print physical versions of their digital assets from the koodos app.

The objective of this project was to figure out why our users started printing cards, and if the koodos team should launch this as a feature in the app.

Discipline: User Research, PM

Timeline: June 22 - July 8 2022

Role: Product intern

For: koodos

Tools: Figma, Figjam, and Qualtrics

Team: Individual

Methods: user interviews, affinity diagram, competitor analysis, and archetype mapping

? Research Question: Why are users printing physical versions of thier digital cards? Should the koodos team should launch this as a feature in the koodos app?

My Research Approach


🔍 Methods

Phase One: Discovery

  1. Guerilla Research: I spent a week ‘undercover’ in 3 different collector discord groups (k-pop, Pokemon, & Funkopops) interacting with all the members. Contextual Interviews I went to 3 different trading card events in NYC where I conducted 10 contextual inquiries with shop owners, traders, and collectors. Through my learnings from guerilla research, I was better able to interact and interview collectors. This helped me gather hidden gems of insights that only a fellow ‘collector’ would’ve been able to unearth.
  1. Competitor Analysis: What are other collectibles (Pokemon Cards, K-POP Photo cards, & music related collectibles) like compared to koodos?
  2. To help answer this questions, I identified & analyzed 4 different types of collectibles that were similar to koodos physical collectible cards including K-Pop cards, Pokemon cards, Vinyls and figurines.


Phase Two: Exploration & Research

  1. Sampling + User Interviews
  2. How do you I make sure I account for all different types of user perspectives & opinions on this feature?

    To find interviewees, the community lead and I crafted a survey which segmented people across various dimensions. We randomly chose a total of 32 particpants across the four groups and interviewed them for 30 minutes each.


Phase Three: Product Validation

After 3 weeks of Product & UX research, I convinced the team to launch it These are the final products of the physical cards we shipped to users:


Learn more about the project by clicking the Figma link below: